
Elixir is a functional, concurrent, high-level general-purpose programming language that runs on the BEAM virtual machine, which is also used to implement the Erlang programming language. Elixir builds on top of Erlang and shares the same abstractions for building distributed, fault-tolerant applications.

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Built for engineers

Use this learning plan to master Elixir and build highly scalable and fault-tolerant distributed systems for applications that require real-time processing, high availability, and low-latency responses.
  1. Getting Started
    • Understand the basics of functional programming concepts and the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM) on which Elixir runs.
  2. Elixir Fundamentals
    • Learn the syntax and core concepts of Elixir, including immutable data structures, pattern matching, and pipelining.
    • Understand processes, concurrency, and message passing in Elixir.
    • Explore Elixir’s standard library and common data types, such as lists, tuples, and maps.
  3. OTP and Concurrency
    • Understand the principles of the OTP (Open Telecom Platform) framework and how it enables robust, fault-tolerant systems.
    • Learn how to design and implement concurrent, fault-tolerant applications using OTP’s processes, supervisors, and event handling mechanisms.
    • Explore OTP behaviors like GenServer, Supervisor, and Application to build scalable applications.
  4. Functional Programming in Elixir
    • Dive deeper into functional programming concepts in Elixir, such as higher-order functions, recursion, and anonymous functions.
    • Learn how to use Elixir’s powerful pattern matching to handle complex data structures and control flow.
    • Understand the benefits of immutability, pure functions, and functional composition in Elixir programming.
  5. Working with Elixir Tooling
    • Familiarize yourself with Elixir’s build tool, mix, and its tasks for project management, compilation, and dependency management.
    • Learn how to run tests, manage documentation, and generate releases using mix.
    • Explore code formatting tools like Elixir’s built-in formatter or external tools like Credo for maintaining consistent code style.
  6. Web Development with Phoenix Framework
    • Gain knowledge of web development using the Phoenix framework, a popular Elixir web framework.
    • Understand how to create controllers, routes, and views in Phoenix.
    • Learn about Ecto, the database wrapper in Phoenix, and implement database operations.
  7. Concurrency and Distributed Systems
    • Dive deeper into Elixir’s concurrency model and distributed systems capabilities.
    • Learn how to use Elixir’s built-in tools like tasks, agents, and GenServers to build concurrent applications.
    • Explore distributed messaging patterns with Elixir’s distributed process registry and distribution mechanisms.
  8. Testing and Debugging
    • Learn how to write tests using Elixir’s built-in ExUnit testing framework.
    • Understand how to use Elixir’s debugging tools, such as IEx (Interactive Elixir) and the Observer module, for troubleshooting and performance optimization.
    • Explore property-based testing with tools like StreamData or PropEr to ensure code correctness.
  9. Building RESTful APIs and Microservices
    • Learn how to build RESTful APIs and microservices using Elixir and frameworks like Phoenix.
    • Understand concepts such as routing, request handling, authentication, and serialization.
    • Explore API documentation tools like ExDoc or Swagger for generating API documentation.
  10. Deployment and DevOps
    • Learn how to deploy Elixir applications to servers or cloud platforms like AWS or Heroku.
    • Understand containerization using tools like Docker to package and deploy Elixir applications.
    • Explore concepts like release management, environment configuration, and monitoring in Elixir applications.

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