
Ruby is an high-level, general-purpose programming language which supports multiple programming paradigms. It was designed with an emphasis on programming productivity and simplicity. In Ruby, everything is an object, including primitive data types.

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Use this learning plan to master Ruby and build web applications with Rails or shell scripts using this simple and productive language.
  1. Basic Syntax and Data Types

    • Variables and Constants: Understand how to declare and use variables (local, instance, class) and constants in Ruby.
    • Data Types: Learn about basic data types such as integers, floats, strings, booleans, arrays, and hashes.
    • Operators: Familiarize yourself with arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment operators in Ruby.
  2. Control Structures

    • Conditionals (if/else/elsif): Learn how to make decisions in your programs.
    • Loops (while, for, each): Understand different looping constructs in Ruby.
    • Case Statements: Learn how to use case statements for multi-way conditionals.
  3. Methods and Functions

    • Defining Methods: Understand how to define and call methods in Ruby.
    • Arguments and Return Values: Learn about method parameters and return values.
    • Scope and Visibility: Understand local variables, instance variables, and class variables.
  4. Collections and Iterators

    • Arrays and Hashes: Learn about these essential data structures in Ruby.
    • Iterators and Enumerables: Understand methods like each, map, select, etc., for working with collections.
  5. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

    • Classes and Objects: Understand how to define classes and create objects.
    • Inheritance and Polymorphism: Learn about inheritance and overriding methods.
    • Modules and Mixins: Understand how to use modules to share behavior between classes.
  6. Error Handling

    • Exceptions: Learn about handling exceptions using begin, rescue, and ensure blocks.
  7. File I/O and IO Operations

    • Reading and Writing Files: Understand how to read from and write to files in Ruby.
    • Standard Input/Output: Learn about handling user input and displaying output.
  8. Working with Strings

    • String Manipulation: Explore different string manipulation techniques and methods.
  9. Regular Expressions

    • Regex Syntax and Usage: Learn about using regular expressions for pattern matching and manipulation.
  10. Modules, Libraries, and Gems

    • Using Existing Libraries: Learn how to use external libraries and gems to extend Ruby’s functionality.
  11. Testing and Debugging

    • Unit Testing with MiniTest or RSpec: Understand how to write and run tests for your Ruby code.
    • Debugging Techniques: Learn how to use debuggers and techniques to find and fix bugs in your code.

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