
Ruby is an high-level, general-purpose programming language which supports multiple programming paradigms. It was designed with an emphasis on programming productivity and simplicity. In Ruby, everything is an object, including primitive data types.

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Built for engineers

Use this learning plan to master Ruby and build web applications with Rails or shell scripts using this simple and productive language.


  1. Basic Syntax and Data Types

    • Variables and Constants: Understand how to declare and use variables (local, instance, class) and constants in Ruby.
    • Data Types: Learn about basic data types such as integers, floats, strings, booleans, arrays, and hashes.
    • Operators: Familiarize yourself with arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment operators in Ruby.
  2. Control Structures

    • Conditionals (if/else/elsif): Learn how to make decisions in your programs.
    • Loops (while, for, each): Understand different looping constructs in Ruby.
    • Case Statements: Learn how to use case statements for multi-way conditionals.
  3. Methods and Functions

    • Defining Methods: Understand how to define and call methods in Ruby.
    • Arguments and Return Values: Learn about method parameters and return values.
    • Scope and Visibility: Understand local variables, instance variables, and class variables.
  4. Collections and Iterators

    • Arrays and Hashes: Learn about these essential data structures in Ruby.
    • Iterators and Enumerables: Understand methods like each, map, select, etc., for working with collections.

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